We believe and teach that…
- Made the world and loves its peoples
- Demonstrated his love by sending His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus Christ
- Was born a man and lived among us
- Died for our sins at Calvary
- Conquered death by rising again
- Is alive today at God’s right hand
- Will come again to receive His church and reign in glory
All people
- Have sinned and deserve God’s judgement
- Can be saved only by faith in God and acceptance of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ at Calvary
- Are those who have trusted God and acknowledged Jesus Christ as their Saviour and Lord
- Have become the home of God’s Holy Spirit whose presence is displayed in holiness and good works
- Are secure in their salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ
The Bible
- Is God’s authoritative message for us, which we wholeheartedly trust
- Instructs us how to live our lives and how to please God
We Practice…
The Fellowship of Christians
- We welcome all who share our faith in, and devotion to, our Lord Jesus Christ
- Together we seek to get to know God better and to grow in our faith
The Lord’s Supper
- We meet every Sunday morning to remember Him, until He comes again
Believers’ Baptism
- We baptise by immersion, in the name of the Father , Son and Holy Spirit, those who declare their Christian faith
The Preaching of the Gospel
- We seek to share the Good News of God’s salvation with others