Welcome to our Summer Programme, covering both July and August in one bumper issue.
In July, we have one more session of teaching from Psalms, before we go into a period of extended of worship during our breaking of bread services.
We welcome David Dale and David Brickman this month to speak at our evening service on the 5th and 12th July respectively.
Every July, there are various events that members of our church are involved in. These include, Soul Survivor, Yorkshire Christian Camp and Keswick Convention. Please pray for these events and the people that are attending. If you want more specfic points to pray for, then why not attend the mid week prayer meetings on the 16th and 23rd July as these will be the focus of prayer. The following organisations will also be featured during the Thursday night Prayer meetings in August; OM, London City Mission, Tear Fund, and Barnabas Fund.
Please note, due to the summer holidays, most of our weekly program will be taking a break until September.